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Time Based project

Weekly photography assignments.

My weekly assignments for the time based project. I thought it was very interesting to work with the concept of time and i really enjoyed working together with the class. 

Week 1 — David Hockney inspired collage

Nina van Wageningen - HOCKNEY.jpg

This week the assignment was to make a collage, inspired by the artist David Hockney. For this I photographed my brother while he was getting ready in front of the mirror. I took several pictures and put those together.

Week 2 — Time lapse 

For this photography assignment we learned how to work time lapse. I found it very special to get to know this technique, and will try to use it more often in the future.

Week 3 — Square movements

For this week, me, Sjoerd, Jaëla and Sam were experiencing some different movements, there was only one rule: staying inside of the square. 

Week 5 — stalking 


For the 'stalking'-assignment, i just decided to go on to the street and pick some people out that i thought would be interesting to follow. I picked these ladies and followed them all the way to their house en shot some pictures while doing so. I drew a line on the map so you can see the exact route i took to follow them, and i added a quote that i thought was very fitting for this little project.

Week 6 — reverse video 

For the reverse assignment I thought it would be a funny idea to tie my shoelaces and see what the rewinding effect would be. I found out that if you didn't know it was rewound, you hardly notice.

Week 7 — long term project

For my long term project, I chose to photograph the ashtray on my balcony every day. I still live with my family (my mother and brother) who both smoke, but keep saying they want to quit. With this project I want to find out whether they will succeed, and if not, how many cigarettes will be used in this particular time.

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